Sonic Coffees Classic! (Hiatus)

2 years ago

Sonic Coffees Classic! news

Sonic Coffees 2 1995 expansion mode! and new mechanics-

SC2:1995 is a new mode that tells the evens from the first Sonic Coffees, you'll meet Fario and Ryan the main stars of the show, as same as the classic versions of the characters, the update is still in development.
As for SC 2 new mechanics and features, most of them are done (from the art part), but is still left to be coded, as same Night 4 and 5 phone calls will be remade for the new mechanics, we'll also gonna change Rusty Mario Voice lines.

SC 2 new features (art):
R. Yoshi new mechanic: done
2nd Fario new mechanic: done
Rusty Sonic new mechanic: done

SC 2 1995 (art):
Cameras: 10/10
characters AI: 7/7
extras: 100%

Sonic Coffees tMh recode will be added as a second mode in SC 1 recode anytime, just be patient

Due to Mario Tea's lack of coder, I'm searching for a new coder for Mario tea, the only requierements are being good coding fnaf games and use clickteam fusion 2.5 +.
Mario tea also comes with some new features that aren't done.

Marcos Restaurant
(Spanish game) el ultimo juego añadido a esta colección de juegos, no es un juego que forme parte de la historia de SC, pero me hacía ilusión terminar la versión antigua de Marcos Restaurant con nuevos gráficos, varios de estos ya están hechos pero aun faltan algunas cosas como jumpscares o las secciones después de cada noche.
Este juego también tiene un nuevo coder @DieGGoGames

The game will have more additions in the future but these are the ones in development, SC 3 classic! it will be the last adddition to SCC with some more stuff..., however that's all I had to say, I'm doing this post like really fast so don't be surprised if I did too many grammar error as always, so have a good day and here a proview of that "some more stuff" I was talking...


"Characters" art by: @CoryTheHedgehog



Next up

for those who still asks for a release date

STOP ASKING PLEASE it's annoying

welp I don't really have any news about my other games to show rn, so take a teaser for Mighty's Burgers

we will not be using MT old peach's design, this is the design we will use for the recode

what is this?

guys you won't believe it!

Caffeine Insomnia (Night Ambience) is now available in soundcloud (you can listen to it here aswell)

I still don't get why people are so upset about me using this design for Lefty Mario, like if you don't like it it's fine, just stop telling me it's shit bc that won't make me change it

What's the future of Classic! Sonic Coffees?

while creepy codes the game, I'm gonna be redrawing the cutscenes

SC Classic! Update released!

C!SCtMh with new characters, new challenges and a new ending +SC2020 edition