2 years ago

Sonic fanfic

One day, Sonic, Tails, Amy, Ray, And Mighty, were playing ball. On that day Robotnik (aka Eggman ) was spying on them. He brought metal, and all the other bots. "Metal!" He said, " the plan is to disguise as a normal person who wants to learn science. You need to pick the smartest one." He added. "Also, You must wait at least a month to check them all." So metal got in a costume of an innocent puppy. But as this was happening Ray kicked the ball off the field. "I'll get it!" Said Ray. He saw Them plotting.

As the freinds played basketball Metal slowly inched Closer until, "Hello II'm... Carl." Metal said, editing his voice. Earlier Ray saw this costume, and he saw Metal take interest in tails the smartest Of all But then Ray took a few seconds to realize he has enough time to study. And prove to Metal he's smarter.

(To protect Tails)

Ray stated by studying proper grammar, so he can talk smarter, then he studied trivia, so he could seem smarter, in general. Geography, Math, And more. In the last three days of the month Metal studied Ray.

Ray aced everything. Sonic was surprised, since usually Ray isn't that smart. Mighty was glad of this but then he noticed some wear and tear in the suit. So when Metal took Ray behind the house to. lock him up Mighty follows behind.

That night the gang were bewildered by Mighty and Ray's absence, the a small Chao came with a message from Mighty.

Ray was being put into some sort of extraction chamber, to extract his IQ. He has brought a small bottle of gas labeled "Water". Robotnik saw this and read the small note. From Ray "From Metal". Robotnik took this and, drank it. Instantly spitting it out and talking to metal, Robotink didn't know it was gas, and told Metal to scan the liquid, in the liquid scan chamber is fire. And Gas ➕️ fire equals boom. The place collapses. Sonic, Tails, and Amy witnessed this.

As all hope was lost Mighty who was hiding behind Ray's capsule, Cureld up into a ball and covered Ray. RAY'S newfound smarts are all gone, but Ray is fine with this.

As the heros went home 1 other pulled out of the rubble Robotnik, and a Wired red gem.

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