The newest major update would be available in the next few hours or more. Sorry about the lack of a teaser for the past few months. I did planned a third teaser, but it might be spoilery (plus, I didn’t have any ideas). With that being said, here is what the new update contains:
Three side-stories to the FNaFb Scenario, starring Cirno, Freddy and co. and Golden Freddy respectively
A new bonus boss in each of the three scenario, with ridiculous number of health
Overhauled Gensokyo areas. Plus three new areas.
Re-balancing. Super Weapons of the Main Scenario can only be equipped at Level 20 while the Team (9) ones can be equipped once defeating 5 of the 9 bosses. The bosses have also been slightly adjusted for re-balancing.
Alternative ways of getting the Super Weapons
Poison, Bleed and Paralysis state are re-balanced
Updated Gensokyo map (seriously, it’s been outaded since the F-boy’s Scenario)
Every scenario can now be accessed through new game.
Added a bonus room. You get parts of the password from beating all three sidestories (Why did I notice this f**ing error now >-<)
Added Game Options with the use of Yanfly’s script.
Some minor bugfixes
and that’s about. Stay tuned for more updates (if there are any :P)