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Withered Frankburt Walking Animation Loop.
Frankburt, I told you not to wear your suit, go to parts and services and put it on now, your show will start soon.
Remember that I recently said that this game is a waste, well, I am planning to make a remake in the future with the aim of making this game good, but since I have a lot to do, I will leave this model like that for a while.
Dreaming, A place full of souls in torment and somebody important for you trying to communicate more aren't a nice equation for a dream. This should be called... a Nightmare Abomination.
(Corpse Flesh Model By: @lacosa1954 )
Dream Night 60% done!
Release vercion of the game 70% done!
(For reference, the alpha was just 30% of the final release and a 20% of the full game with future updates)
Stay Tuned
Protocol "T" Status: Failed. Protocol "AWAKE" Status: Executing.
new lighting !
Coming Soon. . . . .
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