Akira's comments:
Satori Maiden ~ 3rd eye (Allister's take) - The best-ass song that describes best Allister's personality: A person who avoids contact with real humans by rejecting public life and prefer to go out to isolated places, and are most commonly associated with spirits of deceased Ghost-type Pokemon, due to he is said to have the ability of communicating with them. This time, the song is given a more ominous atmosphere, fitting with such a character who is associated with ghosts, which is such a creepy thing that could make most people shiver.
Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic Princess (Allister's take) - The best tasty-ass track that describes best Allister's nature as a person who do not spend much time outside, apart from sometimes visiting isolated cemeteries and ruins. This is arguably the best track in this remix collection. This remix version is made to resemble what we could hear during a lonely night illuminated by will-o-the-wisps and the dim moonlight. The scene makes you feels like you are entering a true Spirit World, and you went insane upon seeing the light of the full moon in that night (ngl).
Megalo Strike Back (Allister's take) - Perhaps the most iconic track in the whole remix collection. Its use of audio fade in / out, and with a section in the second part of the song where a note suddenly banging in at a loud volume, makes this track somewhat of a jumpy atmosphere, in combination with the track's background art. Especially the beginning, it makes you feels like you are going to a cursed spooky realm. The instruments used for creating this remix track also fit in with its spooky atmosphere.
So what do you think of these tracks? Like this post or leave me a comment below!