FNATI Lost Souls
1 year ago

sorry guys but the game wasa canceled...but i making another game



Next up

Office update

inpure mouse remake

Br: Finalmente terminei o escritorio agora irei começar a fazer as cameras

En: Finally finished the office now I will start making the cameras

"Thanks guys for endless hours of fun." 👍

(My first fan art. Read the article, please.)

#sonic #mario #photoshop

We made a lot of improvements on the Freezing Plains visual. Things like pine trees, tiny bushes, some rocks, and others game props!

#IndieGame | #IndieDev | #GameDev | #PixelArt | #WaifuQuest | #WifeQuest | #screenshotsaturday

Updated the chest in the maze, adding sound, particles and better animation. But what's in the chest?

"Our work is never over" they said.

Just a Pico sprite

Strange Umbrella