
Br: Five Nights at Treasure Island Lost Souls é uma fan game de five nights at trasure island feito para anart1996 em 2014 esse jogo está sendo feito na engine pocket code então o jogo estará apenas disponível para mobile espero que goste.

En: Five Nights at Treasure Island Lost Souls is a Five Nights at Trasure Island fan game made for anart1996 in 2014 this game is being made in the pocket code engine so the game will only be available for mobile hope you like it. #fnaf #terror #fangame #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

sorry guys but the game wasa canceled...but i making another game

New logo

Office update

inpure mouse remake

Br: Finalmente terminei o escritorio agora irei começar a fazer as cameras

En: Finally finished the office now I will start making the cameras