The Return to Black Mesa
1 year ago

sorry i didnt update you guys for abit

so i have been working on the extras now and i am almost finished! this means that i will only have to make the minigames & a few other things but that will be all for now!



Next up

Director's Cut - Devlog #2

to the people who say trtf 2: space time takes place in space, it does not.

the reason why its called space time is because robots look like they came from space and note that I said look like.

I wanna make a iceberg about myself & my games but I feel like thats too egotistical so that probably wont happen, only interested in doing that because I have some interesting history to share

woah look! Ih-ihs totally 100% released showman's 1 hour ago!

Big Announcement!

coding minigame rn

Dance off

ladies and gentlemen!

another quick update:

Finished another character!