Six Nights at Wario's: Left Behind
2 years ago

#spawnday, the end of 2022 & a huge post about stuff

Hello ladies and gentlemen, it's me, Kry! Gamejolt reminded me it's my spawnday, which is also at the end of the year, ain't that a holiday miracle? But I'm not here to only tell about that, I'm also gonna write the results of the year aaaand some new stuff!


While objectively this year was really bad for where I live, for myself it's not too bad. I graduated from school and now I'm in college, which I am really happy about.

Also, I released my first whole complete game, Six Nights at Wario's: Left Behind - Act 1! I'm really happy about the results, while the game's absolutely not perfect, the feedback is wonderful! I have yet to show the final major update for this game, but soon we'll talk about it.

I can't forget about the fact that I managed to improve in photoshop editing and clickteam coding, which also really makes me feel a little bit proud of myself!

So, you're probably expecting me to showcase some stuff, aren't you? Well, let's begin with...


Originally, this update was going to just remove the Act stuff from the game and nerf Main Workstation, but like always, I came up with more and more ideas. I plan this update to be the conclusion of Act 1's development and make it the definitive version!

The first big feature of this update is the Winter Holiday system:

If you're playing this game on December, January or February, the game will enter Holiday mode and will change the whole aestethic of the game to a more winter one! Here, let me show you some screenshots:


This is, of course, just purely a graphical change, but i feel it adds to that Holiday Spirit which is commonly winter is assosiated with!

The second big feature of this update is new Custom Night Challenges:

Yep, this major update will add more content to this game! Three brand new custom night challenges, which would result in more rewards! I'm gonna showcase only one reward, which also changes gameplay!

Introducing, the Acid Rain weather.


How does it affect gameplay? Is it harder than Snowstorm? You'll find out when the update releases!

The third big feature of this update is Trophies:

Remember that empty window spot in Extra? Well, it was intended to be for something in Act 3, but since i decided to separate Acts into games, it's gonna be a place for trophies!

One of them is completing Bruno Hard Mode, which will be also changed in V1.5.0 to be more hard and challenging!

There's also gonna be trophies for beating the secret night, all custom night challenges (which will include the new ones!), "Left Behind" challenge and 100% the entire game.

Might be more, if I will come up with any new ones!


The update will include toggleable music to Wario Paint, Quality of Life changes, Bug fixes, and a ton more miscellaneous stuff I dont think is too important to note right now, entirely everything will be noted in the release devlog though!

Phew, that's it for Act 1 V1.5.0 update, it's quite a big update. Now, let's move on to...


I'm gonna be honest, this game didn't made much progress, mostly because of me being busy with other stuff, BUT hey, all of the designs for it are pretty much done.

I didn't want to leave y'all empty handed, plus, yesterday I promised a teaser.


What does it mean? Do I know the answer? Maybe I do, maybe I don't.

Next on our list is...

Unrevealed Valve themed FNaF Game

Big surprise, but my life isn't only FNaW, shocking right?

It's a fangame of an old fangame series I know and love, so I thought it would be fun to make my own little spin on it. Hmmmmm, what could I show from it...

Here, this very blurried screenshot should do it.


It's not much because I can't reveal everything, can I?

Unrevealed FNaW Game 1

This is an interesting idea that popped up into my head when I was thinking of stuff for Act 1 V1.5.0, it originally was a part of it too, but I feel it's too big that it became it's own game! I plan to release this before SNaW LB Act 2, so be ready!

Unrevealed FNaW Game 2

this game is a collaboration between me and @SuperLugig5 it's pretty funny and very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very scary

was i supposed to show something?



this should work


be ready

Unrevealed FNaS Game

Yep! This is another collaboration, this time between me and @RunanAgarb! The game looks pretty awesome and I'm the programmer for it. I'm really looking forward to its reveal and can't wait to work more on it!

We reached the end of the post. I honestly can't believe that I grew so much as a developer and met so many cool people.

I wanna thank the following people for making 2022 more awesome:




























Thank you all for being so awesome and being awesome friends :)

That's it for now! Happy new year and I hope 2023 will be better than any previous years!



Next up





HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TAF 0!!! (art by @_Mallie_ )

six nights at wario's: left behind - act 1 v1.2.0(?)

Maybe some haven't caught on,

Five Shows at Wario's: Director's Cut is coming to mobile devices, eventually!

For now, however, you are not allowed to enter the Theatre.

the collaboration is finally revealed