Stitched Together

8 months ago

Special Dev Log 2!

After almost 3 months of no development due to a current internship and other projects. Development should officially resume by the end of the month but we're little by little working on it since last weekend.

Throughout the past months, we've still been working on the game, just no development. We're making concepts and assets to be implemented on the full game- unfortunately, we can't show any of these but the lovely people helping us in the project have seen these already. (Special thank you to those currently helping out!)

Before that, we'd like to note that we constantly update things little by little even if we're busy. You guys can have a portion of that on Randelle's Twitter, mainly development mini changelogs; excluding promotional images and trailers not made in public. Anything regarding teasers or official work-in-progress images for visual or story elements will be on Kaylin's Twitter.

We currently have a definitive idea of all major things that will be in the game, anything that would be added along development would be minor. So if you're interested in the project and want a faster update rather than waiting for a huge official dev log, this might be for you. [Do keep in mind that things shown on twitter are unpolished]

Here's the following progress we've made so far (excluding the spoiler stuff):

Game Design Document


This might seem insignificant but proper documentation for the game has helped communication and kept us on track on what to prioritize, this allowed us to develop productively.

Without this document, we found ourselves working on something that's not a high priority at the current moment which ends both developers scrambling files to another; regardless of whether such files are finished, half-baked, or not existing.

We're very excited for this game and we want to add a lot of things but being able to stick into something prevents us from having a feature creep. We're open to adding stuff in the game but that should wait until v2.0.

Roaming AI implementation + Bug Fixing and optimization improvements


In our previous GameJolt post, most of the stuff you see is just manual placements inside the editors with no functionality, and the animatronics are observed in a test scene.


Bonnie is now able to move in-game throughout the cameras for a full night. Moving locations also allows him to trigger respective idle animations.

@RandelleRain_ : "Would love to show more of these but I can't just yet, at least the people helping us on this project have seen it."

We can now duplicate his code to Fredbear, and then just make slight adjustments in code, animation, and placements.

@RandelleRain_ : "The reason why we couldn't do Fredbear right away is code optimization, I started coding and development seriously just this February... internships and game jams have been constantly changing my style and approaches. A little optimization goes a long way, we want everyone to be able to play this game."

Features added


George - In terms of functionality, the music box code, his AI, jumpscare, and killing the player are done. What's left to do with George is a transition to the game over screen after death, then revisit his code to optimize it even just a bit, lastly for the game design aspect, we just need to implement visuals for the camera whenever there's movement.

Night Timer - The in-game clock, significant to trigger events like phone calls and other things. Winning conditions will also be programmed soon.

Subtitle System - A proper subtitle system has been added for spoken dialogue. It will be in the eventual demo for the demo phone call.

Intro Cutscene - The intro cutscene after clicking the new game on the menu has been added. The only thing left is the transition.

Features started but postponed for main priority


Hyperflash - Controls, cool down, and visuals are implemented. What's left to do is its gameplay functionality and tweaking. Postponed since we have yet to work with other AI that uses this mechanic.

Mute Call - Being able to mute a telephone call. It's technically done but in terms of the game design aspect, we're yet to add First Time User Experience, which means players should only be able to mute the call once they've finished or died on the night.

Tool tips - We have implemented tools and tips in-game for fresh installs but no functionality in terms of checking first-time conditions (Another First Time User Experience).

Options Menu - UI and other visuals are already in the game. You're able to access the option menu from the main menu and go back to it. Actual functionalities are postponed.


Final Thoughts

Overall, even with busy schedules, we still have a lot done for a small team with only two developers. We really want to take our time and pace ourselves and not try to get too excited and show unpolished work.

A lot of what we can't show today is the core of the game; Its story.

@KaylinYGO : "This game, in my opinion, will be something really special that I'm so excited to watch people play and figure out. I put a huge effort into making the story experience one of a kind but nostalgic to those who were there to watch the original FNaF game's story unfold. There will be A LOT to uncover in this game, so no hints from us!"

We thank everyone for their patience as we try to make this game the best it can be. Make sure to follow both KaylinYGO and RandelleRain_ on our respective Twitter and Gamejolt pages if you haven't done so already.




Next up

Where did he go? :(


Let us cook

Smashing Windshields (1983 Version) Rearrangement by Pavel Grebtsov Original composition by Leon Riskin #fnaf

Witness the beginning.

The Fazbear Facility: Prologue Official Trailer will premiere at the Vortex Charity Stream!


(volume/flashing lights warning!) #fnaf


#fnaf #fangame

An announcement from the developers. #fnaf

Sacrifice (Rebecca's Theme)

Composed by Pavel Grebtsov



Have a question about Stitched Together? We will be answering questions and showing some footage in a developer livestream on Friday, January 19th at 8PM EST!

Submit a question early to be answered when the stream goes live! #fnaf