Five Nights at F&*%boys: Sh!##y Reclaiment
1 year ago

SR Devlog #2: Smooth as butter + QnA

Hey y'all, Frashaw here,

It's been about two months since the last devlog, why is that? Well to put it blatantly, I didn't have much for last month. Mostly just under the hood work like the creation of a damage calculator that I made for game balance and the creation of several animations, shit that wouldn't exactly rustle my jimmys, so I held off. But I got a few things to share this month.

1: Balloon Boy's Skills are finished
After a few months of hard work, Balloon Boy's skills are all done fully. Besides some balance tweaking, his skills should be completely done, complete with animations and effects, so here are a few screen shots I will use for examples of the completed skills:


An example with the direction I decided to take some of the earlier skills.


Just an example of the creativity I wanted to show case that some of the skills could take.


An example of a type of skill that's free but is heavily limited, kind of the counter balance to the type of skill that's so busted it can only be used once.


I just thought this one's description was funny.


Example of free, limited skills numero dose


And who doesn't like free Sp?

Certainly an odd choice of skills tb sure, but it's just a few examples that these skills are indeed finsihed. On another note...

2: Security's Base Skills are also finished

While Balloon Boy took me a few weeks to fully get through with all the rewrites and rethinks, Security was done in about 2 days in total lol. Security was mostly straight forward, with an interesting concept that will be shown off in the game, so I won't show anything at all. Okay maybe just one:


A skill that I felt would provide an interesting healing skill while not outshining other regen skills (at least in my opinion). But more importantly, if you noticed, Security has a specific, unique font. Thought it'd make him more interesting, so I added it. Felt it git him. I will eventually get to also making the names in the same font, but that's in the future for right now.

So the base character skills are done, all I have to do now is give them the room to grow, specifically with their equipment. I was gonna devote an entire section to character chips, but I haven't really gotten to them in the midst of all the bullshit I've done this month. But you know what can be devoted it's own personal section?

3: Buttons have been Buttoned

So along with all the base skills for BB being done, all of the extra skills for the buttons have also been completed. Here's a sneak peek at one of them:


As you can see, I've put the Button Skills into an Extended Skill, purely because I think it's both neater and can be easier to organize in the special skill tab.


Pretty neat, huh. While that marks off all the Big Stuff I can really show in this devlog, especially since it pasted Midnight by the time I got around to completing it (sorry), I do have a few final remarks.

Bonus: Other Things

I'd like to say thanks to all of you for allowing this game of mine that started as a mere rushed out project in a spam of a month, into a full fledged game. In celebration of both reaching 1 short of 60 followers and being very close to almost 200 total downloads, I decided that I wanted to do a QnA. Asking me any question and I will answer to the best of my abilities this totally isn't a scam for me to drive up engagement. Anyways, with that done and over with, I will be retreating into my troll cave once again. The prospect of the next update being released by July 28th is ever decreasing, but is still might, but could end up an end of summer demo. Anyways, hope to read all your pervasive wonderful questions.

Man with an code based diet,




Next up

Thanks for 20 followers. I give you this as tribute. It's based off joke lore I made when I was making the game.

Well ain't that something?

Backup Bash Gaming

900 members!

FNaFb will never die!

Thanks for 30 Followers, as usual, have a shitty drawing as compensation. A ODNaF Devlog will be coming on Friday.

Plushtrap's Misadventure Devlog - 3

A wild title screen appears!


Plushtrap's Misadventure Devlog - 4

This Satuday we invite to watch another #speedpainting of our artist Daniel Faiad.

How great is this scene of #Pecaminosa?

#ScreenShotSaturday | #IndieDev | #DigitalArt