Ballplay Cupid
9 years ago

Stable Release

The stable release of BallPlay Cupid is now released. The “primeur” is for GameJolt, in a few weeks the game will also be added to IndieDB and


A few notes!

  • People who downloaded the old beta version through the client can best uninstall it completely, and re-install the stable version. This will not affect your saved data, since this is stored in your therefore appointed space, as it should be ;) There have been no spectacular changes to the saved data files (actually not at all) since the release, so everything is backward compatible.

  • Linux (yeah, always Linux) is still getting me a little problem (sigh). And mostly the problem lies in … tada… dependencies. And this time too:


    If you know why this happens …. The Linux version should work though. If you have Love2D version 0.10.x installed the game should work fine in Linux. I can however not guarantee any compatibility with the client and stuff. For this reason, the Linux version is officially still beta until I can get my trouble fixed and really check if everything works the way it should. Thank you Linus, for damaging my heart with pure frustration, like this!

  • So far I only had this problem in Windows, but possibly it may happen in Linux and Mac as well and that is that the puzzle editor crashes a few times when you first use it. If you try it a few more times the ‘bug’ appears to ‘fix itself’. If somebody could throw me a screenshot on my issue tracker in issue #76, I may have a clue why this is happening.


  • [WINDOWS] XP or higher should do. Windows 10 is recommended (as that is the only version on which I tested the game).

  • [MAC] 10.6 (Snow Leopard) or higher, is the absolute minimum for mac users. 10.8 (Mountain Lion) or higher is strongly recommended. The game was tested on 10.11 (El Capitan).

  • [LINUX] Since I could not get Love2D installed in Linux for some vague reason stated above, I could not test this. I guess any Linux version built after 2010 should do.

  • OpenGL 2 is required. The game will not run without it.

  • [MAC] On Mac the game only runs on Intel based 64bit processors. Well Intel based macs with 32bit processors are a rarity, but in case you have one, you should now.

  • The game should have a “smooth” movement, but on slower computers this will have some very funny effects. The game should detect this automatically and go into a “stop-motion” mode if your computer is too slow. This is a Love2D issue, so I cannot fix this.

And that sums it up. I hope you have fun with BallPlay Cupid.
Let’s roll-‘em, boys! ;)



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