Star Story
8 years ago

Star Story in the closed beta

Beta-Testers needed for Star Story


Hello there boys and girls.
For a little more than a year now I’ve been working to bring you Star Story, the RPG game about the space adventures of Wendicka Lovejoy and Crystal McLeen. The core development of the game is now over. At this moment I’m only bug-fixing and doing some “cosmetic touches”. The only “major” thing is adding some New Game+ data, but that doesn’t require much code, only some extra data, and that’s all. So in other words, I can consider this game now officially beta.

Since this is an early beta I am still waiting to come up with the result in all public. I will first want to put the game to the test to a few users before I actually make the game fully public. You can be one of them.

System notes

The game will be available for Mac and Windows. (Unfortunately the Linux version is cancelled due to Linux+BlitzMax being a total catastrophe together. If there are any Linux users who want to try out if they can get things to work, lemme know I’ll tell you everything you need to know (since the game’s source code is freely available), but that is not what this post is about).

  • So I need both Mac users and Windows users

  • The game can be a bit demanding. The Mac I used to develop this was a “Late 2012 Mac Mini” running El Capitan. For Windows I recommend either Windows 7 or 10.

  • I will not officially support Wine, but if Linux users want to try how well the game runs in Wine, be my guest. ;)

  • The game requires OpenGL for graphics, yes even in Windows.

  • The game’s audio uses DirectSound in Windows (should be installed by default) and FreeSound on Mac (should be no problem on El Capitan).

“Requirements” (I hate that word)

  • A Game Jolt account, since I need to pass a secret key to you leading to the beta download.

  • A GitHub account and you need to know how to use the []GitHub issue tracker](

  • I don’t require you have knowledge of Lua or BlitzMax but if you can describe bugs in detail, you’re the one I may need.

One note, keep spoilers out of the issue tracker.


  • I use the GitHub issue tracker for actual bugs (or other undesirable behavior in the game).

  • I’ve also opened a discord server. When you are accepted as a tester you will get an invite there

  • And of course along with an access key to gain access to the actual beta downloads.


Unfortunately, this is a project without a budget. So I cannot offer any money.
Of course, “honor to whom honor is due” is my motto, in the final version of the your name will be in the credits (and you will also be noted on the Game Jolt page of the game), and a pack of images showing all the maps of the dungeons will be there for you as well (which I plan to offer up only for people supporting me with a small donation) for free.


You can either respond to this post, but then I’ll need you to throw me a friend request so I can give you the discord invite in private. You can also send a mail to the address below:


(This address will only exist as long as there are still vacant spots, and will after that be destroyed. I want to try to avoid spammers, you know)



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