WotB Hack n Slash Platformer Game
7 years ago

Started Prototyping!

I am only working on this a couple of hours every other day. Doing this to try to help me to not get burnt out on the project.

That ^^^ means progress may be fairly slow but hopefully not so slow that I say to heck with it all. lol

This is the prototyping stage meaning I am focusing on the important stuff one step at a time.
The character is now represented by a rectangle.

Splitting the project into multiple parts

The full (larger ultimate outcome) game will feature platforming (environmental interaction) and combat.

Instead of trying to tackle everything at once I am breaking the game down into distinct sub projects. Each of these sub projects will result in a tiny game of its own.

I am starting with the combat sub project. This chunk focuses on the control of the player as far as general movement, combat and other interaction with the enemies. It also will have the rpg leveling up aspect that I want in the final larger game.

The tiny game that will come out of this will be the barbarian facing an unlimited number of enemies continually entering the screen.

Right now I am thinking the game will not even have a scrolling screen and instead just a static playfield.

I’ll add a little clock or an enemy kill counter. Just something to turn it into a game. The goal being simply “how long can you survive”.

If the animated gif shows up this is what it illustrates…

  • First is the idle

  • Next is the normal jump straight up

  • Followed by the moving jump / leaping (which cannot be controlled in air… I am still debating on that one. I do have something in mind for this leap I will talk about a little down below)

  • Walking

  • Then the normal attack (which actually this is only a beginning… I have something greater in mind for this)

  • Finally you see his dash attack

The “barbarian block” is starting to feel pretty good at this point.

Definitely not done with the character control yet but it is a good start. Hopefully, my next dev session I can finish the first draft of the character’s combat skills.



Next up

2nd GIF of Enemy #1 General Behavior & Combat

Added Ground Smash Attack

Added Attack while in air, Ducking and Ducking attack

3rd GIF of Enemy #1 General Behavior & Combat

Enemy #1 Combat & General Behavior Is Nearly Complete!

We are under attack!

Here's a peaceful little forest scene for this #screenshotsaturday, from the beginning of the game.

Successful landing


Heya there! I really wanted to show you all a little gameplay preview of the first boss fight i'm currently working on i hope you like it ^^