Welcome, welcome!
Today, I'm going to be talking about a plethora of things related to my projects. I will talking specifically about their progress and when they could even potentially release! I figured now would be a good time to make this since the "My Return" post was about 9 months ago, and a lot has happened since then![Also, as of this moment, my main Discord account is STILL hacked, so please do not interact with it unless otherwise stated here or on Twitter! It's tag is zucchini.k.]
This will also cover ones that are aren't of my lone creation, so I will be speaking on behalf of the teams working on them when doing so. The reason why I am not doing a post on their own individual pages is because they're minor enough to where discussion isn't necessary on them.
Without further ado, let's begin!
My Personal Projects
Repairs with Freddy: Overtime (RWF:O)

If you have been looking at the updates for the project on occasion, then you can see how much progress has been done on it! After all, RWF:O is my first priority and nothing else is being worked other then it.
Ever since it's last post, a few other things have been finished, and now we are on the final stretch of development! The last major things I need to do are animate the rest of Sunshine Freddy's repair segment animations, the final jumpscare, a wrench swing animation, a few miscellaneous renders, minigame sprite art, the ending cutscene, and that's it! However, I'd like you all to remember that I am one person doing most of the heavy lifting for the project, so please be understanding of the fact that this all takes a great amount of time to execute.
YellowRaccoon3/Yikoon (our primary artist for the project) has been doing a beautiful job with the artwork that'll be featuring ingame, and is working as hard as he can right now to finish everything up. Seeing him finish things bit by bit has been remarkable, and he has such incredible talent. Please go check out his wonderful work, and consider commissioning him, too!
Now, onto a potential
release date. I am currently aiming at late June, maybe somewhere between the 20th and 30th, but this could change if things get in the way. However, seeing the potential to work on the game the entire month of June means we are in a great position to release the project quickly and get it bug tested, all in a timely manner! Even then, expect a LOT of important updates popping up in the next few weeks, big things are coming for RWF:O!

So, I have been rather silent on this one since my first priority has been working RWF:O. However, that is not to say that nothing has been done on this project.
I have actually gotten a lot of coding done on this project! 90% of it's visuals are finished, and I'd say about 60% of the entire game has been coded! Out of all of the characters, about 5 have been fully coded, with one still a wip. However, I want to clarify that this is NOT going to have more work done on it UNTIL RWF:O releases, so please wait. If I have to give an idea for a release date, I'd do sometime in Early-Mid July.
I will be posting gameplay of it soon on it's page, that way you can all see the work currently done for it.
Another Test at Fredbear's [Restoration] (ATaF)

Well, this one should come as a surprise!
So, as stated previously in the "My Return" post, this game was originally cancelled due to technical difficulties, but as seen by the NEWLY MADE renders above, it's back! Now, I want to give some quick context as to explain how we even recovered this project, and stating the full explanation to it's original cancellation.
Back in 2021-2022, me and @Mr_Rosas decided to collaborate on this project, and we finished about 75% of it over over the course of it's development. While things were going swimmingly, disaster eventually struck. Rosas was robbed in 2022, and in the process his laptop was broken. The hard drive was unsalvageable, and so it was thrown out. Because of this, the entire project was cancelled since all of the source files made for it were lost, so we moved onto other endeavors. We truly believed that everything was really gone and could in no way resurface; this was under the expectation that the only files for the project were on Rosas computer. Up until now.
3 weeks ago, a miracle occurred! Rosas was surfing through an old Google Drive, and found a accidental backup of the majority of ATaF! The only drawback is 95% of the original textures are not apart of the assets, 2 room models are missing, and 1 character model was missing. Despite that, I can still recover and search for the textures since Cinema 4D can still spit out a backlog of errors that states stuff like the texture names and what file packs they come from. As for the models, I can remake them and then Rosas can texture them in C4D.
So far, I have been extremely successful in the restoration process of the textures, with the Showstage and Kitchen camera re-renders above proving this. As for the lost models, while I haven't gotten to the rooms yet, I did remake the lost character model a while back for practice purposes, so all it needs is some tweaking, texturing, and then it'll be good!
Again, RWF:O is my main focus, but I am thinking after Seadog's that this project could release in Late July/Early August.
Collaborations or Team Projects
Five Nights at Orville's: Trilogy with @OfficialTeamPineapplePals

Orville's 1 is going extremely well. As stated previously, it's actually got pretty much all of it's graphics done and rendered, we just need to code it, do additional renders, animations, jumpscares, and a few other smaller things.
I cannot give a set release date for this one, but on behalf of the members at Pineapple Pals, we would say somewhere in the Summer between June and August.
ADDENDUM: Discovery Island Narration Project (in collaboration with @Mr_Rosas and @phasma )

This one in particular will hopefully be worked on more as time progresses. It's not that hard for me to do the narrations themselves, it's just it takes a lot of takes over and over again to get them sounding the right way. To my fellow voice actors out there, you know the struggle. Expect more news for this one soon.
If you are interested into listening to the first installment of the narration, you can find it here.
Closing Statement
As of writing this post, a lot of things have recently cleared up from my life. I didn't mention this much, but the last few months were extremely difficult for me. Without going into depth, I hit a very low place in my life and without the help of the friends and family around me, I would not have been able to do it. It was so bad that I ended up taking a break from the majority from social media and game development for a solid month; which is why you may have seen in absence in posts from between Mid-April to Mid-May.
It's just really unfortunate that upon my return did I end up getting manipulated and lost my Discord, not to mention scammed. But, when life throws you punches, you have to take them in some way or another.
With the clearing up of a multitude of different loads, I now have significantly more time to organize my schedule and work on my projects, which is always a blast. Overall, I cannot wait to show you all what I have in store, and I'm delighted to share more information about projects like RWF:O soon!
Anyways, thank you for reading this post. The time you have dedicated to reading it is always appreciated, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
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