Hey, everyone! ChronicAlcoholic here again with some more news.
Ever since the last post from about 2 months ago, there has been a lot more progress done on the project that I'll discuss a bit today, with each teaser seen in this post getting it's own little explanation.
The first teaser is actually one I hid in the Status Update post, but unfortunately nobody ended up finding it, or realized it was there. Perhaps not enough people saw it or looked too closely? Who knows, but I've decided I'd share it now than never as the text hidden throughout that post that would create the image link is now dead. Let's just say that this game is more then just a terrifying experience for the player, but it's a calling to this story's protagonist.
The second teaser is part of the work featured in the intro cutscene, and is done by the absolutely lovely Yikoon/Yellow Raccoon 3! The illustration you see there will eventually be colored but unfortunately, due to technical limitations, he is unable to do so at the moment. I have been working closely with Yikoon as I also have commissioned him to do not only that work, but also artwork for the Game Over screens for each individual character with the addition of a promotional piece of artwork as well! All will be revealed in due time, but for the moment this tease will be all that I will show. I am planning on making a teaser video showcasing the game's intro cutscene that includes the artwork, so stay tuned for that whenever everything for it is finalized! Once again, I want to highlight how terrific it has been to work with Yikoon, so please go give his portfolio of artwork a look, and consider commissioning him since he is open to doing work for others like myself right now!
And finally, the third teaser. Remember a while back how I mentioned how all of the modelling work was 100% complete for the game? Well, I lied. (just a little bit, though!) The third teaser showcases the last true model, one that I sculpted in Blender with my drawing tablet (thank @Mr_Rosas for hooking me up with that!). After retopologizing the sculpted model (in layman's, remade and optimized it), I now having @martinarthur texturing it. However, I won't go into depth about who this is, so I'll keep it to a minimum. All that I will say is that you can't have the yin without the yang, can you?
Thought I was done? SIKE! I've got one more surprise for you!

Behold, the Bolt Shocker! This is an item of great importance that the player uses to fend off again Primetime Freddy in-game!
You charge it up by holding it up to him, and eventually when he gets a little to close for comfort, you slam this bad boy on by pressing that little red button and SHAZAM! Freddy gets the stuffing knocked outta him!
In conclusion, that is everything of importance I wanted to talk about in this post. Once again, stay tuned for more updates, and I'll see you all on the flipside!
#fnaf #fnafsl #fivenightsatfreddys