The Evil Horror: Deltarune(Collection Games)
3 years ago

Statics "Test Version 1.6.41"

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Rus: Одна неделя тестовой игры завершена, и я вижу в игре ошибки. Скоро, тестовая версия 1.6.42. Где я исправлю баги.

Eng: One week of the test game is over, and I see errors in the game. Soon, test version 1.6.42. Where I'll fix the bugs.



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The Evil Horror: The Catalyst, 4 Episode: Prototype Gameplay Thanks @kinoplenka for HUD "Pluse"

News about the 3rd episode

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First preview

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Viewing the location of the 1st episode "The Evil Horror: The Catalyst"

The Catalyst @DiasSir & The Catalyst @Anikeev

ENG: Final Stage...

RUS: Финальный "Акт"

Update office

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The announcement of the big game!

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