2 years ago

Status report

im almost over the Covid virus! I no longer have a sore throat, have more energy and no more coughing till I'm on the floor :>

However. . The flu I got last year did a number on my lungs. From now on, whatever ailment i get, flu, covid, cold, my body will fully heal, but my lungs will take longer, it's a pain but as long as I take my inhalers and do breathing exercises I should fully recover :3



Next up

me and my Brother have been playing a lot of the Wolf's Pizzaria game, so I was inspired to draw him, and the player, and jimmy

me trying to get a game to run on DOSBox

(got it to run the first time, but now when I try to run the TB.Bat file, it just crashes)

Happy Late Easter Comic ^w^

I Don't think I should open the Door. .

Future Fan Games

I'm returning to make fan game after a full year of original content but I'm still work with original work but they can co-exist together.


Here is this sneak peak of animation and sprites is not made by me

Awwww Poor Guy

He's sure to come out. . . eventually. . .

finally getting back to work on the big animation -w-"

Ok, I may have made the wrong choice XwX

I was actually laughing out loud at the outcome

If you happen to play this game, feel free to post a screenshot in the comments if ya want. I'd love to see what hilarious event happened during your shift