11 months ago

🧁 Status Update + Voice help needed! 🧁

#fnaf #fangame #cpwrebaked #chicaspartyworld

Hey y'all! We wanted to do a small update for various reasons, those of which I'll quit wasting time with and get straight to the point:


A. We're nearing the end of development!

That's right, the game is basically around 70-80% done at this point! We've entirely wrapped up the main gameplay and we're now focusing on other parts of the game. That of which will probably be done in around maybe 3-5 weeks, so keep your eyes peeled! Granted that's not to say we have a release date, we're still gonna be testing for probably a solid 1-2 months even after the game is done. But we're well on our way to it!


B. We need your help!

Okay so truth be told, there's still one thing left to do for the main gameplay. That being we still need a voice for Lolbyte! Initially I was going to try and do it myself, but 'gruff British pirate woman' ended up being too tough for me to pull off. So needless to say, we're looking for one last VA!

Character Description: A somewhat mean-spirited pirate fox! But despite her rough, narcissistic exterior she's pretty friendly once you get to know her! Just don't piss her off, you'll regret it.

Voice Specifics: We're pretty much looking for someone who can do a voice similar to Goldilocks in Puss in Boots 2 but more pirate-y.

Voice Test Lines:

  1. “Time to batten down the hatches!”

  2. “Don’t you DARE underestimate me.”

  3. “This voyage be treacherous, but the spoils are unmatched!”

If you can pull off that kind of role, please leave your discord in the comments with a demo reel if possible and we'll reach out asap if we think you're capable of it. Thank you!

C. ...meme showcase?

Okay so like, we and a few other friends been actively making a ton of memes related to the game that we felt like sharing. Sooo...


^ by @Laurenfart


^ by @PoisonousPastels


^ by @PoisonousPastels


^ by @PoisonousPastels


^ by @Laurenfart


^ by @PoisonousPastels


^ by @TheresNoSteak

But yeah, that's pretty much it for now! As mentioned before if you feel you can help us with the voice stuff then don't hesitate to reach out! Regardless, hope y'all have a great day!

- Alyx/Steak and the rest of the CPW Dev Team



Next up

this is just like half life 77 mario edition oh my goodness gracious

GSaF's page overhaul is finally done, feel free to check it out!

#gsaf #fnaf #fangame

So now that the game has been properly shown off, what are some questions y'all might have? I'll happily answer, just don't go too spoilery! (Art by @TheCoolZer0_ !)

#fnaf #fangame #gsaf

GAME IS OUT NOW!!!! (Please read below)

I got Bonnie coded in and I don't think I've ever felt this threatened by an AI I programmed since PTLD in Archives Act 1 holy shit

The Rat Cave is Cancelled


As of today, all of the GSaF cameras are finished! Now I can get to the actually fun stuff lmao

#fnaf #fangame #gsaf

Currently looking for a voice actor! More characters will be added as the game develops, however the demo only needs one. Please apply if you feel you can do it!


#gsaf #fangame #fnaf


(For both PC and Android devices.)

"In this world it is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich." #fnaf #fangame #gsaf