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This game series is on Hiatus (well the Custom Nights at least) so until I finish a lot of my other projects then it's paused
Also no more Android ports just PC versions from now on
Take Matthew & Slaughter (Real Name: Eve)
Drunk Driving Simulator 2025 Edition Game's back :D
Two of the Three New Reworked Minigames!
All 13 Cameras are finally done
Oops, Sorry for the 3 weeks without updates lol Progress is going well don't worry Custom Menu is like 80% done so in the meantime Here's one of the four, Modifiers for the Custom Night
Welp Henry's Classic Mode is basically 95% done
So expect it to release on Saturday
The Clock is Ticking
the demo is 99% done! I just gotta put in a few things and it'll be done, sadly the cutscenes haven't been made yet so they'll only be in the full release, I also don't know if the voice actors will be coming back, if they are just DM on discord
Yes i redid the office
Also who's missing here?
Gameplay is pretty much done Just gotta add the extra stuff (Cutscenes, Voices, Etc) I'll release a 3-Night Demo Soon so you all can have a bit more fun with what's to come