3 years ago

Story idea - hacked reality

Adven. Me: *doing expert hacks like always*

Adven. Glitchy: *comes in*

Adven. Me: What do you want, glitchy?

Adven. Glitchy: *silence*

Adven. Me: ik that your a silent guy or something, but, seriously, respond dude -_-

Adven. Glitchy: Ugh, fine…

Adven. Me: so let me guess, you want me to help you with hacking into something?

Adven. Glitchy: Correct

Adven. Me: ok, but im on a break bro, soo yeah, im hacking and taking over a minecraft server as you can clearly tell

Adven. Glitchy: ok… *goes to hack the thing that he wants to*

Adven. Me: *gets banned from the minecraft server* eh, it kinda gets boring at some point while playing games. Maybe i should get new hacking books to learn new hacks… *disguises as a sherrif and goes to a libary*

Me: *finds a hacking book*

Me: *pays for it and goes back home and takes his sherrif costume off* welp, time to learn new hacks- wait a minute… its a book on how to hack IRL! What a waste of tim- *realization* wait… if i hack IRL, i will be unstoppable and could fly and stuff, wait… im on a break where i dont do crimes and stuff, f u c k. *after break*

Adven. Me: time to hack IRL *does what the book says and succesfuly hacks IRL* im flying! Ya- *crashes* i should probably learn how to fly first *after learn* welp time to hack more *goes into book and finds page where you can do an IRL hack that will give you the powers of a god and does the hack and succesfuly gets the powers of a god*

Adven. Me: time to start destroying worlds, *destroys the city*

Some random Adven. Hero: Hey! I will beat you!

Adven. Me: bro… i literally have the powers of a god

Some random Adven. Hero: oh right… but what if i beat you in a rap battle!

Adven. Me: bring it on! Egghead

Some random Adven. Hero: unfuni B|

Adven. Me: *plays fnf impostor final phase and that hero loses*

Adven. Me: welp, you lost, say goodbye *ends him*

To be continued

(Was too lazy to finish the story)



Next up

pure comedic genius


Happy Halloween!

now give meh your candy.

top 10 moments before disaster strikes

teh moosik but colour


also who the fuck just stole my taco

Omnipresent but cool people sings it

not a cover and never will be, i also made this cause i was bored

very badly made clone defeat video (real)