2 years ago

Story of mr bean lost episode


the narrator was walking in the street until he found the DVD of mr. Bean episode in the box, so he brought it home, he put the DVD in the TV and got ready to watch the episode, the intro was normal but when mrs. Wicked close the door there is no name of the episode and mr. Bean eyes was not showing in the dark, it fades to mr. Bean in a picnic with his teddy bear eating cake, he finished his cake he was relaxed, the plane flew over and mr. Bean the noise and open his eyes, the plane almost hit him, he find out who's controlling the plane, it was the kid that was controlling the plane, the plane was going towards the teddy bear and hit it causes the teddy bear to rip apart and his head was remaining,

mr. Bean was traumatized for a second and start screaming, it fade back and now it's Fade to mr. Bean in his bed middle of morning, he was crying Softly he look at the picture of his teddy bear and continued crying Softly, he got up and continued crying, he stopped crying and looked at the window, it cuts to the window it fade closer to the window, it cuts to mr. Bean but it's zoomed In to his eye, when it cuts to black, the sound of the window opened, it cuts to mr. Bean standing closer to the open window, about to go through his window cuts to Black in seconds and it came back but he was falling, when mr. Bean is about to hit the ground the background what's black except for him, when he touch the ground, he became a white line and Fade Into A Part, it faded to dead body of mr. Bean background music was in reverse, it cuts to a kid that was controlling a plain looking at the dead body and smiling, his father was behind him and said "good job", it cuts back to the dead body, it's fade black there's random voice and it said "teddy", take us to the credits in the episode ended, the narrator was scared so he called the police, when the police arrived they investigate this tape, the police never know who created this tape so they called the company of the animated TV show, the company said they did not create that episode because the show has been cancelled, so the police threw the tape away, the police never know who created this episode, that's how the story ends.

Here's the link


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( Strasburg Thomas )


Redrawing that one Blaze the Cat doodle to study

ITS CANON!? (Animated)

I guess the water balloon prank was a bad idea...

Happy Bday @FeralPossum

I give you a fan art for your birthday, do you like it?

Here's the animated one