4 years ago


Here's the next part of the story. Enjoy!

It's been a few days since the incident that occurred at Birdy's.. The restaurant was closed for safety, but we'll be rebranding soon. Still no clues on who the killer might be. The weird thing is that no one saw him exit the restaurant.. I'm starting to think that it may actually be the employee who discovered the two bodies. But, then again, why would he do it? And how could it have affected him only a long time after the incident. Was that all an act..? No, it can't be. His mental state did decrease. Anyways, I'm about to find out everything for myself. The doctors said that his mental state got better, and that I can talk to him now. But I shouldn't talk a lot about the incident, because that might cause him to panic again.

He was in room 1905. I felt a sudden quick pain.. "That.. was weird." How did that even happen? I wasn't designed to feel or acknowledge pain, so what was that just now? and how did I even recognize it as pain if I have never felt it before..? Lots of questions, but no answers. Forget it! That's not what's important right now. I then hold the door knob, and gently opened the door...

He was sitting there, on the bed. He had a really weird expression on his face, like he was both sane and insane at the same time. He then noticed I was in the room.. "Are you one of t-them..?" He asked. "One of who..? I have no idea what you're talking about." I replied. "N-no, you can't be.. you're way less.. nightmarish." A strange silence filled the room. But, I decided to break the silence, and so I asked him a question.. "What did you see?". He looked at me surprised, and then answered. "When I opened the door to the supply closet.. I saw a dark figure standing in there, with a knife in hand. It had no definitive shape, and was so dark that it blends with the shadows in the room. No details, aside from two wide glowing purple dots and a glowing wide bow. You could say it resembled a face, but I wouldn't really call it a face". The way he described the killer.. It was as if he was describing something inhuman. As if the killer was from another world..? But that can't be right, that's crazy talk. Anyways, I had to leave, for now. And so I did..

I went back to the crime scene to see if I had missed anything, and it turns out that I actually did. There was something in the crime scene that was never meant to be there. Well, this might be it! This is definitely the key to solving this mystery!



Next up

Still trying to improve.

I know it's terrible, but it'd really help if you give me some advice.

Week 3 Progress Update

I was able to make the office scrolling effect work in GDevelop 5. Well, I have to say.. That was easier than I thought it would be. Oh, and here's the event sheet if someone else also happens to use GDevelop instead of Clickteam.

Gameplay (DEMO) reveal trailer out now!

When you're too bad at drawing that you can't even finish the attempt. Oh well.. at least I tried.

Anyways, I wanted to ask how to draw hands. I'm trying to draw him holding a gun pointed to his head. (Also, do you know who this character is?)

"The Synthesis"

Thank you all so much for 200 followers!

Here's a render of the full Birdy model from Chapter 2...Now get a good look at it because this thing will be 'withered' soon. ;)

Anyways, thanks for your amazing support! See you soon!

Week 5 Progress Update

(This is seriously taking longer than expected.)


#fnaf #fangame

Week 1 Progress Update