[Corrupted] by Icy Tails
2 years ago

Страница обновлена. Добавлен мод автора страницы. Он старый, возможно в каком-то будущем будет вестись работа над её переработкой.



Next up

Little WIP Updates...

Little lighting experiments... Or just an attempt to make good lighting.

Someday the page will be available to everyone...

Когда-нибудь страница будет доступна всем...

Freddy's head concept for FwtCP:R.

DevLog Diary №1

(Basically, this DevLog will be devoted to what I already have at the moment (and what, most likely, I showed earlier). I'm warning you in advance.)

What if...

DevLog Diary №2. Yay!!!

Mini DevLog!

Some little upgrades for the office. Textures will be replaced.

Addendum to DevDiary №2 - video with main menu.

It's non release version, but I can't not give you to hear it.