15 days ago

Suddenly , my OC's lore (just finished writing).

I'll probably be working on it in the future.



Next up

I'll say it again.


We need:

a new composer/s

female voice actor

and a coder (optional)



(just a joke)

So. Just in case I remind you that the voice lines will be as text.

Enjoy the reading.

Soooo know I now sketches like this style are hard to draw on this but here he is @kazovsky

No one expected this, but still.

I started to program the game! So far, only the menu is ready (not completely).

By the way, the music for the menu was written by @Cozmoz06 (honestly, I think it's kind of boring).

I wanna say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO @MimicStudios !!!

I wish you everything you wish man :) Have a gooood day!

(Ik the render is kinda lazy, but I am in a rush :^ )

Gameplay WIP

office scrolling test

Breaking the radio silence on the game everybody!


I tried to make a general view of the menu. Looks good to me.