Its been a while but a new version of Summoner Quest is finally up.

Over 25 new monsters were added bringing the total to 50!
Check out some of the new monsters in this Battle Video!
Monster Eggs and Hatch rate has been adjusted. It is now far easier to hatch monsters with higher rarity.
The rate that Monster Eggs appear when completing a quest was increased.
New worlds and New bosses are now available.
Battle formula has been refined.
New Items and Monster Food were added to shop.
Added new monster skills. Now 161 battle skills in total!
Added new Battle Traits. Over 100 total!
Examples of some of the new Battle Skills:
Frost Blanket (Leader)- Reduces damage your team takes for 5 turns and increases your team’s Ice Power. This effect will be broken if your opponent attacks with a fire skill as well as certain other skills that can break barriers.
Banana Peel (Leader)- Throws a banana peel at the enemy. Causes monsters that tag/switch in to slip.
Protect (Assist) - Tags in the user this turn and prevent your allies from taking damage. Additionally the user will guard against all blockable attacks this turn.
Examples of some of the new Battle Traits:
Reflect - Reflects 50% of elemental damage taken back to the enemy leader.
(does not work against physical attacks)
Razor Fangs - Increases skill power+30% and critical rate+10% while using biting attacks.
Scanner: Enhances your team’s accuracy+10 and evasion+10.
(The affects all monsters on your team as long as the bearer is alive and not ejected from battle)