We are making this collection of updates to the OG games because they hold a special place in our heart, not because we hate the series and want to one-up it out of spite, or something dumb like that.
It's just that all 3 of these games haven't aged the best. Emil Macko had brilliant and revolutionary concepts for his fangames that have greatly impacted the community. But simultaneously, the gameplay of these games is probably his weakest point. Every one of the three games has some major flaw in the gameplay that makes it too easy, boring, totally bugged, or some combination of the three. (shoutout to uhyeah's video on this topic)
We haven't really changed anything about these games aside from the gameplay, to allow these games to reach their full potential and be as fun to play as possible.
As we release the games we will make a post for each one explaining what changes were made compared to the original.
One last thing: to our knowledge, the existence of this collection shouldn't violate anything Fanverse related. Yes, we are making better versions of games in a series that are in the Fanverse, but the original games are always going to be free on PC, so we are not marketing a "free and better" product, so I don't know how it could be argued that we are taking revenue. But hey, if this gets taken down, I guess we can just hope that Emil sees what we did here and takes it into account with his remastered collection of games.
If anyone wants to hate after this post, they should say it to my inverted LGBTQ+ FACE!!!!