I have decided it is almost time to create a seperate game page for survival island tycoon2(S.I.T2) complete with Screenshots and more info.
I have completed most of the Hud (graphics by me) The hunger / health system is complete for the most part with gradient bars to indicated hunger and health remaining. (going to make the bars update more often at the moment they only update in intervals of 10)
The Gathering systems are still under construction. Alot of thought is going into these systems as i want them to be alot more interactive.
I’ve tried a few different systems out but have failed to create one that i feel is fitting the game and fluent enough (no lag).
I’ve also been working hard on some other new features for the next installment to S.I.T2 such as composing music to add another level of originality. I’m working pretty hard on some new graphics for the game, at this point it has the same tileset as S.I.T1 but i am looking for a new tileset to use.
I am undecided if i will add a few islands to the main game and create Extra “dlc” containing features that didn’t make it into the main game. The price of this “dlc” will be determined at a later date (that is if i decided to charge for them at all i guess it all depends on the popularity of this project/game)
Updates for this game will be roughly once a week. I plan to have this game released by July/August. Please remember that i am a 1 Man team and i am doing ALL aspects of development for this game. Coding, Graphics and Music and each process is time consuming.