Lucky's dumpster

2 months ago

[SW: LAOE DEVLOG] New patch (1.10)

New stage:

- [PVP] drug dealer mario 2 final boss level

Updates & balances:

- Enhanced menu aesthetics by adding backgrounds and outlines to the stage preview box.

- The "GTA mission passed" and "game over yeah" custom victory sounds in the "globglogabalab" & "troll game stage" levels have been replaced with the original ones. Later on, you'll be able to change this in the options.

- The double jump ability was adjusted and revamped in Big Tower because it was deemed too powerful and unbalanced.

Bug fixes:

- Strange fading effects observed when transitioning between stages rapidly.

- Background glitch identified in "Galaxy Fortress" stage.

- Victory music playing erroneously upon losing in "Metallic Madness" stage.

- Background glitch occurring during the rush segment in "Parkour" stage.

- Possibility of falling off the stage in the "Troll Game stage".



Next up

little preview of the game; (beta testing goes insane)

[SW: LAOE DEVLOG] First release (1.0.0)

another scrapped menu + phase 1 that made in 2021

Sonic's birthday is almost here!

Check your quest log on June 21st to start the celebration!

(His birthday is the 23rd, but our party starts early.)

[SW: LAOE DEVLOG #1] Announcement about the rebirth, major updates

Amy: "You are dating with me, NOW!" Sonic: "A-Amy, wait!"

this is what you can expect from the online engine.

i might add another game mode, but it's secret

Little Kirby fan art that I've made. 👀


Ever wonder if Sonic ever had a home?

I fixed my damn online game that I made 6 years ago! Yay!

New updates coming soon...