3 days ago

Swapped Noelle OOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGHHHHH. Don't let the armored look fool you, she's just as much of a lovable, clutzy dork as she is in regular Deltarune.

Design-wise, she's the MOST similar to the original Chapter Rewritten Noelle compared to the others, which was intentional. But even then, you can very clearly see there's a ton different with her. Mainly because she's not a Susie type, so I wanted to reflect that. She's based heavily on a nutcracker, and her weapon is, I kid you not, a large double barrelled shotgun. The pattern on her hat is actually a close-up of a guitar if you look closely, and she has a sorta frill on the back of her dress as a nod to her OG Deltarune darkworld outfit.

In her lore, December never went missing, and instead works at the music class in the school. Since she's still around, Noelle isn't as obsessed with Christmas as she is in OG Deltarune. That's not to say she isn't obsessed, she still very much is, but she's willing to at least try out a new look once in awhile just to experiment, which you can see in her lightworld design (still might be updated).


Unfortunately, it's not all cheery for her, as a couple weeks ago, her old man unfortunately died due to his illness. She's... Not one to mention it too much in public. But hey, at least her sister's pal Asriel's got her back.



Next up

@SPAM_T_O_N Boiiiioooiiiiioooooiiiiooiiing.

Working on revamping my swapped fun gang sprites. Nothing else of note to see here.

Meet Bloom (Working name), a receptionist for the Resting Grounds' renowned inn. Her design is based on a therapy exercise involving trees. My friend @KillerFurby drew her design, and I translated her into the sprite you see now.

Undertale, but nothing's wrong.

Okay so, I was going to make a post showing off my new IC-E Bonus Boss OC, but right before that happened, my friend @KillerFurby pointed out that the new newsletter came out, and... A balloon? Like at a birthday party? AT A PIZZA PLACE?? AND IT'S CYAN?!

Suffer more

My goofy ahh following a clearly overambitious fan project knowing full well it's gonna get cancelled before it's even halfway done.

New Bonus Boss OC, this time based on IC-E's PIZZA. His name is ALL-E and his light world equivalent is an old run-down basketball machine that's left in storage.

I've noticed people have been doing a trend of respriting Peach from the original SMB recently. Funnily enough, I actually did this a few months back, but never posted it. Did a couple others too. (Yes, even Kliki was there)

More concept doodles for my funne swap au. I'll let y'all figure this one out.