3 years ago

Sweet Lous Classic is canceled. Heres everything we worked on. [⚠ Long Post]

As Sweet Lous (2021) is going so well, I'm going to release anything that was in the old SL game. I won't release 1 or 2 models as they are being used to inspire new models, but I hope you understand.


Azul is a robot that the owner is trying to make. They use fritzes flesh or something idk it sucks. I don't even think we used simon.

Don't worry, the lore is completly different now. We saved 0% of it. Simon is important to the lore now, too. And fritz is still dead (because he died in POPGOES, renember?)



This was the model for lou. I have no idea where his body went.


This is a arcade cabinet for Sweet Lous arcade. Its very pink and the textures broke but it was still the most we got down


This was the sprite of lou. We were going to add a mustashe, but then we gave up trying.


I'm not going to share the front view because I'm reusing some of the ideas.

For the side view, there was a FNAF 3 style monitor that would've worked exactly like a... FNAF 3 style monitor. I've kinda repurpsed this, but its much more creative and I can't wait to show you!

For the right side view, there was nothing there. It was going to be the same in the new Sweet Lous, but then we decided on something cool.

In the back, there was a door that the anmantronics would actully come in from. This will be in sweet lous (2021) also, but a door makes sense.


Server Room - Room made to show that you were a robot.

??? Room - Room that contained nothing, lore I think

Stage - The stage

Arcade Room - Place of SL arcade

Underground Place - idk

Yeah, thats all we came up with.

This is what we got done in 8 months.

In 15 days, we did this and more.

The old Sweet Lous is dead. There will not be a playable build because we didn't make any.


~Sweet Team



Next up

Yeah, the Demo was a joke. But Kane Carter shooting flying morses was so cool we want to talk about it.

Very soon, play Morse Shooter with no teasers! That means you can get as many points as you want, or even download the orginal! Both of these will be out later today when we finish the updates.

You guys really like us, don't you?


A guide on how to place Charged Stickers and get POPGOES stickers on Game Jolt!

Only 18 of you have been blessed with the demo. DOWNLOAD IT BEFORE ITS GONE!

Happy Trans Visiblity Day!

Doing this instead of the demo

Back to the basics.

*uwu music stops*

Part of a model.