Hey everyone, I revamped the TACMA (Total Arm Control Melee Arena) concept quite a bit from a few months ago. I made the arm and sword control fully bounded by physics, so a player must deal with things like inertia and momentum. Damage of a strike is still based on the velocity of the sword. I also added the ability to extend your arm at the elbow as planned.
I scrapped shields for right now to focus fully on refining the sword combat. Now parrying is also bounded by physics. If a persons arm is fully extended it is weaker and thus most vulnerable to a parry. Leaving your arm extended makes the sword feel heavier and heavier over time to encourage realistic strikes rather than just wagging your sword like a deathwand that kills whoever it touches.
The new controls are listed below - suggestions highly appreciated!
Movement - WASDQE
Shoulder - Hold Left Mouse Button and Move Mouse
Extend Elbow - Holding left mouse button, and then pressing either middle, right mouse button, or F
Rotate Arm - While holding left click, use scroll wheel to rotate arm
Fast Reset Arm - T + Left Click (Holding left click alone will bring the arm will slowly come back to place)
Look Around - Mouse without pressing a mouse button or Arrow Keys or QE
Toggle Perspective - P
Neck Turn - Scroll Wheel (If not holding any mouse button)
Sprint - Shift
Respect - Z
Laugh - X
Taunt - C
Jump - Space
Chat - Enter to toggle, Type Message, Then Press Enter to Send