
Comments (3)

What do you think?

Cool controls, and it's pretty fun...I hope more people start playing it

Great concept honestly, but it seems like a hard task getting used to the controls haha. Interesting nevertheless!

make fun, the landscape looks pretty...


TACMA (Total Arm Control Melee Arena)

Version: 1.9.0about 11 years ago

Total Arm Control Melee Arena - TACMA V1.9 (Concept Version)
Concept Inception 9/8/2013 as Personal Weekend GameJam

This game explores free arm control in melee combat. The game is an open multiplayer arena where players can battle one another. Let me know what you think, your feedback will drive future development of the game. Thank you for taking a look. We plan to announce the alpha version soon.

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How to Play: Hit other players with your sword

  • Your player, arm, and sword are physics objects that are controlled by forces and are effected by things such as mass, inertia, and momentum.

  • To parry, you must hit your opponents sword with your sword

  • An extended arm is weaker and thus more vulnerable to a parry

  • Leaving your arm extended can make the sword feel heavy, unextend your arm to perform a new strike rather than wagging the sword around


Movement - WASDQE
Shoulder - Hold Left Mouse Button and Move Mouse
Extend Elbow - Holding left mouse button, and then pressing either middle, right mouse button, or F
Rotate Arm - While holding left click, use scroll wheel to rotate arm
Fast Reset Arm - T + Left Click (Holding left click alone will bring the arm will slowly come back to place)
Look Around - Mouse without pressing a mouse button or Arrow Keys or QE
Toggle Perspective - P

Neck Turn - Scroll Wheel (If not holding any mouse button)
Sprint - Shift
Respect - Z
Laugh - X
Taunt - C
Jump - Space
Chat - Enter to toggle, Type Message, Then Press Enter to Send

Also note that looking up and down bends at your hips rather than at your neck allowing you to explore new angles of attack, or even use this motion to attack.Scores (Kills/Deaths) can be seen in the upper right.

I hope you enjoy the game/concept,

Frank Alonso
Lead Developer
Mantis Studios

Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

TACMA 1.9 Sword Sim Concept