3 hours ago

taking a break from draw

i honestly dont think i will change my opinion about art at this point

is my least favorite hobby, in specially when you know that ai arrived and take the role



Next up


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a second wind

I hate it, it didn't turn out well 3':

quitting art and replace those with ai and stolen art and edits

kill yourse-

Drew my main OCs as dogs :]

(Maverick, Nathaniel & Mary ; in that order)

Maverick is a German shepherd

Nathaniel is a golden retriever

Mary is a Charles Spaniel

+ A Velcro again

++ A funny dog I found on Pinterest

unhealthy obsession with a number

''bad luck in my veins, my only reason of why i still alive''

misfortune bells

Goretober Day 24 || Teeth || CS || @Liam_2763 || heheh I’m on a grind.. I haven’t drawn 25 26 or 27 yet tho so a long gap


''a creature with the codename of demonium, which seem to be its real name was originally founded in mid of a steroids swarm, possibly resting or perphaps eating''