1 year ago

tboi concept in article

Wyatt: he can shoot normally but has a metal pipe that he can swing, he also has a pcoket active that is a stakeboard, recharge time being 7 seconds, your controls become like the car mod, you can knock into enemies and they get hurt for your damage when ran into, but if you bum into a wall you dont go through it or die you just lose half a heart, unless theres a secret room, then you bust it open, the pipe and skateboard have synergys but im to lazy to make (right now atleast), his birthright (desc: Skating Action) upgrades your pipe into the stakeboard, making it do more damage, when on skateboard you can swing around the pipe too.

Tainted Wyatt: he can punch with his fists but it only does half of your damage, when you use your pocket active book called: Soul Summoning Book which the charge time is four, first time you use it you summond a ghost guy (he looks like the t forgotten soul but with a cape and is red) and will stay with you for the rest of the run, using the book active after that will summon a soul stone and give the soul a damage and speed up (this is a stackable effect), speaking of the soul, the soul kinda acts like dark esau, dashing at enemies, he can also do a suplex and push enemies away. his birthright (desc: Missing Page) Summons another yellow ghost that dashes, and hugs like t maggy, and can hold enemies in place for awhile.

Tarnished Wyatt: he has a green candle which has a 12 charge, but instead of you waiting, you can use it when ever you want, it just wont be as strong, each room after use it will go dont by 1 charge until its 0, thus it will end.

0: Base.

1-2: Gives you a +0.3 attack up and +0.5 speed up, but a 0.8 Shotspeed down

3-6: Gives you a +0.5 Attack up, +0.2 Tears up and a +0.7 Speed up, But 0.4 Shotspeed down

7-10: Gives You a +0.7 Attack up, +0.6 Tears up, A +1 Speed up and a 2 Range up, But a 0.2 Shotspeed down, You Can also use 1 charge for a

scream attack whitch will knock back enemies, confuse them, and do a quater of your damage per tick, this scream lasts for 4 seconds.

11-12: Gives You a +1 Attack up, +0.8 Tears up, A +1.6 Speed up, a 6 Range up and a 0.2 Shotspeed up, You Can also use 1 charge for a scream attack whitch will knock back enemies, confuse them, and do a half of your damage per tick, this scream lasts for 6 seconds. this scream can be carried into other rooms. this also gives a passive athame and all soul hearts turn into black hearts.

His Birthright (desc: Stronger Torment) lets him scream with every stage, and buffs the ones that already had it, also gives a 8 luck up

Soul Of Wyatt: Summons the red soul for the rest of the floor. if used as tainted wyatt, will simply give the soul the book buff for the rest of the floor.

Essance of Wyatt: Gives You the Final Effect Of Green Candle For 30 Seconds, to scream just press the drop trinket button (i play on switch so i dont know what button it is)



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be like @AdrianAnimates and not like chunky salt

throw used car batteries at children and don't be like that to ai

dear diary,

today i drew a birb

that's all

: Aseprite, and my own diary

#pixelart #art #birb


repost if it's kael

ignore if it's kael
