13 days ago

Team bunnies btw



Next up

Gf doodle

Ngl there are some Fnf mods that I basically fucking resent now because of the amount of drama that happened

Yay another rant post

Fnf doodles I made on Snapchat cause I got bored and downloaded it on my iPad

Drew a Flipper Flopper from the Salmonid Handbook to study the art style!

1st is my take, 2nd is the original

Some bliss doodles cause why not

new persona you guys!!?!?!?!


Fnf nene fanart

i was gonna doodle random shit but them I started rendering this and I like it

also fnf update was sick asf I love the new results screen

I only learned this week that the age of consent in the uk is 16 years old and I wanna know who decided this

Like I always thought it was 18 cause that’s when your legally an adult


Hate me if you want but I hate Fnf soft mod