HELP_Tale (The Game)
7 years ago

Team-Crossbones followed the game! And WE NEED HELP!

Ok so first off, I would love to thank Team-Swapped/Team-Crossbones for following this game! Really appreciate it! But we also have some bad news, our main coder may or may not be able to code this game anymore, so we definitely need a new coder just in case! So please! If anyone, from ANY team or just in general ANYONE who’s good at coding, let us know down in the comments below! We REALLY need one! That’s all I have to say, hope you all are hyped for this game, and until the next devlog, see ya’ll next time!



Next up

Un_Dy_ne Teaser


HELP_tale track finally updated. It has been done by the wonderful sukoyiko, follow him and his work on Soundcloud:

Team_Help QnA Announcement If you want to ask us any questions about the game, the team members, the music, anything like that. Now’s your chance to post that question down in the comments below. We cant wait to answer all of your questions!

New DROWNING (Undyne) Design Credit to Signmanstrr’s girlfriend.

New ALLYSUE Design Credit to Signmanstrr

art comission.

We are under attack!

Another house i made long time ago.