Team Delusional's DUSTTALE

1 month ago

Team Delusional's DUSTTALE: UNDEREVENT 2024 Devlog (Devlog #6)

(Thumbnail by Ava, with assets from Satuii, Zal, Avary, and Kass)

Hi, surprised to see us again so soon? This devlog was planned to release on Christmas instead of the Christmas devlog, however Underevent getting delayed changed that. So instead we just had to show a lot less for Christmas and wait for all of the big stuff for Underevents release. Speaking of which, if you haven't watched Underevent yet, go check it out! Was a lot of fun working with the people over there this year.

This devlog is just mostly going to going over some of the stuff in the trailer and the games future, so lets get right into it. (Note, some things may look different compared to the trailer due to things being updated between trailers completion and underevents release.)

Snowdin Encounter was shown a lot more in the trailer, and shows off one of the new mechanics, Papyrus's bone throw! We are pretty happy with this, and its nice to have more unique things made for snowdin encounter.


(Sorry for laggy gifs for this post, unsure why they are like that sob)

Undynes fight was revealed for the first time ever, and shows some interesting things happening, but you guys won't get any explanations for a very long time. I sure wonder whats happening with there being footage of both the human and Sans fighting her...


We've been hard at work this year, and its very nice to finally show off a lot at once. It was very fun putting together this trailer, and we really hope you guys like it!

Happy 2025 everyone, very happy to see where we can go from here. I don't have anything else to say, please check out Underevent and our trailer!

Discord Server -



Next up

Check out the snowdin puzzle!

Thanks styph

Posted this earlier today on our discord - Music - Nick Sprites - Candi, Cereal, Kit(i think?), Styph, Ocas, LN, Leminadee, if i forgot someone im sorry so many people worked on the sprites for this LMAO

noelle joined

Im bored have funny bugs i posted in the discord server

Oh yeah u should join that i post more there

Link -

Wheel of Misfortune

You should join our discord its pretty cool Music - Leminadee Sprites - Ocas, Nik, Styph, Saturn Discord link -

Hi look at these cool new sprites thanks


Had some team playtests happen tonight... Did have some bugs reported, and balancing seemed good so yay