1 month ago

Teams - Flight Formation (Made in Ibis)


Ultra: ...Yo! Mr pilot? Hey! HEY! Mr Pi-

Glitch: I HEAR YOU! What is it!?

Ultra: Faster.

Glitch: W-what do ya mean, faster!?

Ultra: Pick it up man, i'm bored down here.

Glitch: This is the fastest i can go, ya bastard!

Ultra: Bullcrap. You can if you want to.

Glitch: Yeah well i don't usually carry two mobian sized dumbells with me!

Ultra: Ya gotta start lifting weights bro.

Glitch: WHY DON'T YOU START LI- hold on is that a swing?

Ultra: ye.

Glitch: That's...pretty cool actually

Ultra: I know right?

Glitch: 8 outta 10 on the creativity there, sir.

Ultra: Yessirrr

Glitch: Yessirrrr

Ultra: Yessirrrrrrrrr

Silent: . . . (If i let go, i can theoretically survive a fall from here, but it's a 50/50...)


Alex: Ms Marshmellow, are you having trouble up there?

Diggy: ...A........a little...

Alex: Ah, i see, i must be proving too heavy for lifting. I shall assist you.

Diggy: ...Phew! Thanks Alex!

Alex: Do not mention it!

Jam: ...

Diggy: Jam? Are you okay? Why the long face?

Jam: I'm...kinda being a deadweight here.

Diggy: Whaaat? No, you're fine! You get us around on feet very quickly already, this is just your reward of sorts!

Alex: Correct, but if you DO want to increase our current efficiency, you can start by losing weight!

Diggy: Alex!

Alex: Ha ha. Apologies, just trying to light up the mood.

Jam: ...Can we land already.





Yellow: So...

Aya: Ya?

Yellow: A... half demon, huh?..

Aya: Well, it's more like a curse but..yea.

Yellow: So like, kinda like Shantae but, demon. Yeah?

Aya: ...I guess? If you want to look at it that way, yeah.

Yellow: Cool.

Aya: Yup.

Yellow: ...


Yellow: Okay yeah, i officially feel like i don't contribute sh7t to this team anymore-

Aya: Whaaaa? Whatchu mean man, you're cool!

Yellow: Dude you're a martial artist who can turn into a literal f7cking demon and Gleb's...well, Gleb, all i got is a hover board and a bat! A bat!!

Aya: Y-yeah, see? Hoverboard, bat, those are rad man! Chill out, i'm glad we're doing this together!

Yellow: Really?

Aya: You bet!

Yellow: Heh, Alright the-


Yellow: Oh, what? Did you say somethin, dood?

Gleb: You step on my head, dude.

Yellow: Oh, shit, my bad dood.

Aya: *snort* yall are cool as hell.

Yellow: Us? You're the cool one dude!!

Aya: Dudesss!!

Yellow: Duuudes!!!1!!

Gleb: *burp*

Yellow: D-Dude!?

Gleb: What?


Glitchy: . . .

Zynric: ...

Neko: Oh my~ No wonder they advertise Yoshi travel so much, it's pretty comfy up here.

And wooow, i've never seen yoshi's with such big angelic wings before! Do you have a special routine? Do you trim them, or do you apply any-

Glitchy: CAN YOU PLEASE be quiet, for, a, minute....?

Neko: What was that? Sorry honey, the wind up here, it's deafening!!

Glitchy: I said-

Zynric: YOU don't get to complain. If you only agreed to hold on to her normally, and not start with the "I wIlL noT mAkE cONtAct wItH tHAt wOmaN if iT kILls mE" she wouldn't be up here, clowning you. So sit. Tight. Glitchy.

Glitchy: ...

Neko: My, i don't hear what he's saying, but he sure is cute when he gets all angry~~

Glitchy: ...Z. Have you ever heard of a barrel roll?














Next up

DR:CS 3 Cast

DR:CS 3 Surviving Students Lambs

DR:CS redesigns # 2 - @YellowBoiOfficial

Happy Halloween!

now give meh your candy.

Full DR:CS 1 cast sketches

teh moosik but colour

DR:CS 2 -The Scent of Naivety

(Pre-Class Trial Portraits)

So, 2025, huh?

Omnipresent but cool people sings it

not a cover and never will be, i also made this cause i was bored

DR:CS redesigns # 1 - @Kseniya_chan