Holy moly! It is the 10th anniversary of Five nights at Wario's already? Time flies for sure, just like with life.
But seriosuly, seeing this series being 10 years old right now is quite surreal with how much it survived despite being made from Photoshop with images and 3D models together, which then turns into a series with a complex story.
Five nights at Wario's was one of the first fangames that would made me enter on a fangame community, which would slowly lead me to the fnaf community in general.
I had developed a interest in that series back in 2020 when 2.0 updates were released which made it a bit popular again, bringing new fans, new videos and some fangames, that most of them become a memory to be forgotten.
This would lead me to learn myself using brawl box and photoshop that would lead me improve from them, getting better by step to step. That would lead me making arts about it as the series keeps going, from Fsaw to the deluxe collection, as i wait to play more from them.
Unfortunately, i couldn't make these arts a lot due to personal life and a few bumps along the way that i have to face, which made me a bit distant with it, but still, i keep watching the community sometimes.
When we think of Fnaw reception as a whole, some dislike it, some see it as mid, some see it as okay and others loving. It does make up think what would happen alternatively if you go to these paths but there you are.
Five Nights at Wario may not be the most perfect fangame series but it is one of the most unique series out there, ranging from gameplay to story, it managed to make it's way to become one of the most iconic fangames in the series!
Without Fnaw, i wouldn't meet many people there, make some new skills and learn more about the fnaf!
I want to thank WWWWario for making this series and not giving up to show it's potential, and improving every flaw, without him, it wouldn't feel the same about it.
While i don't have something to share about it today, i do hope to make a comeback someday and try to do something, which i am a bit exited to do that.
So, everyone, have a nice day and year. I can't wait for the Fnaw Direct!