Why Aliens?

4 years ago

Testing a new blood and footprint system!

What do you think about this?

#indiedev #gamedev #pixelart #whyaliens #indiegame #platformer #ドット絵 #MadeWithGameMaker #indiegames #coronavirus #animated #gameplay



Next up

Grenade expose to gravity!

If you run and jump then it can be thrown more further.

#indiedev #gamedev #pixelart #whyaliens #indiegame #platformer #Game #MadeWithGameMaker #indiegames #rpg #survival

Too much Coronovirus today 😉

#pixelart #indiedev #coronovirus #rpg

What do you think guys in my robot?Just a beginner in 3d modeling..

My instagram

Updated the chest in the maze, adding sound, particles and better animation. But what's in the chest?

Horror WIP A track that will be featured in a future horror game soundtrack! Stay tuned!

Likes appreciated ✌️

#gamedev #composer #horrorgame #indiegame #IndieGameDev #soundtrack

Szayel Aporro Granz - Bleach

I mostly build 3D First Person Shooter game mechanics in Unity, and in this I'm just showing C4 mechanics I made for a little side project I am working on! :)

Explosive domino effect

I made a small jungle house.