13 days ago

Testing out a new movement engine (Ninten sprite ripped from Mother Encore lol)

also animation code that i am kinda proud of:

  1. create a new script for the sprite and add this to it:

			extends Sprite2D

var frame_num = 0
var framei = 0
var anime_time = 0
var backwards = false #for 3 frames of animation on the sprite sheet

func walk():
	anime_time += 1
	if anime_time % 15 == 0:
		frame_coords.x = framei
		frame_num += 1
		if backwards:
			framei -= 1
			framei += 1
	if frame_num > 3:
		frame_num = 0
		framei = 0
		anime_time = 0
		backwards = false

func run():
	anime_time += 1
	if anime_time == 1:
		framei = 4
	if anime_time % 8 == 0:
		frame_coords.x = framei
		frame_num += 1
		if backwards:
			framei -= 1
			framei += 1
	if frame_num > 5:
		frame_num = 0
		framei = 4
		anime_time = 0
		backwards = false


2. add a script for the player and add this to it:

			extends CharacterBody2D

const SPEED = 300.0

var dir = 0

func _physics_process(delta):
	if !Global.player_can_move:
		$Main.frame_coords.x = 1
		return "my mom has been deployed"
	var input = Vector2(Input.get_axis("ui_left","ui_right"),Input.get_axis("ui_up","ui_down")).normalized()
	var st = 0
	if input:
		velocity = input*SPEED*((float(Input.is_action_pressed("ui_cancel"))/2))
		match Input.is_action_pressed("ui_cancel"):
				if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_cancel"):
					$Main.anime_time = 0
		dir = check_direction(input)
		$Main.frame_coords.y = dir
		velocity= lerp(velocity,Vector2.ZERO,0.6)
		$Main.frame_coords.x = 1


func check_direction(input:Vector2):
	if input.x > 0:
		input.x = 1
	elif input.x < 0:
		input.x = -1
	if input.y > 0:
		input.y = 1
	elif input.y < 0:
		input.y = -1
	if input == Vector2(0,1):
		return 0
	if input == Vector2(-1,0):
		return 1
	if input == Vector2(1,0):
		return 2
	if input == Vector2(0,-1):
		return 3
	if input == Vector2(-1,1):
		return 4
	if input == Vector2(1,1):
		return 5
	if input == Vector2(-1,-1):
		return 6
	if input == Vector2(1,-1):
		return 7


($main is the sprite node)
there might be some errors here based on your sprite sheet but if you are using a sprite with 4 or 8 directional movement that has each direction under the other then it should work fine
also the run funcition is optional if you have a run animation but if you don't you can just remove it and just increase the walk animation speed by 60%



Next up

We weren't dead. just casually redoing the entire project.

The reaction to being dead for so long but actually god said no and you live again about 8923274387233275423 seconds later

I think I improved a lot in terms of animation but idk any suggestions?

I sense a lack of spooky stuff on my end have a funny #Skeleton ;3

Chubby girl!!!!!!

Evil creatures that want MY soul.

i noticed no matter what searching dr andonuts must have a halloween hack referance somewhere at the top


I have a lot of "like without reading" followers so let's see.