3 months ago

thank you guys for 700 followers on the Spike's Ahoy gamepage!!!

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You guys need to go follow my good friend @crashl_dev

He had the pleasure on making the new TJOC logo! (Imo it looks so fucking dope)

2 beasts

Only one will win

you guys need to keep watching Dawko's live stream (and obviously donate!!!)


FUN FACT: During the short development of making this teaser, a few ideas were tossed around for the big guy. We finally came to the conclusion on making the teaser a callback to the nightmare teaser released during the FNaF 4 hype. Here's a comparison!

Idk who made this but thank you to that person!

I love fanart and honestly seeing this made my entire day.

"Smell the booty." that be treasure you know... 😤👃🪙

New animation commissioned by @LilJetGames coming very soon!

Thrown away, torn apart, left forgotten behind walls.

Would you fight him? (render made by @CokosBeans)

That be treasure ya know...

(Animation commissioned by @LilJetGames )

You can also watch the video on my socials linked in the article. I'm going to bed now to rethink my actions :)

Been a big fan of mighty morphin power rangers ever since I was little so getting to meet the actress of the pink ranger was honestly the most insane thing ever.