Playtime with Percy
2 years ago

Thanks for 800 followers! I sadly don't have a devlog ready right now, maybe in the near future I will.

Buuut to hold you over, I've went ahead and released TWO songs from the soundtrack! "One Last Week" and "Canine Cadet"; both made by @MartinArthur !

We'd love to hear feedback about these tracks, tell us what you think about them!



Next up

Cue the fanfare

It might finally be time to give you a purpose, Chum Charlie...

// Nightmare Pal //

(Inspired by the "Tiger I saw on my dreams" tweet/drawing)

Seems the Playful Poodles are having fun building a snowman! How creative! But it seems someone else isn't too keen on being a part of it...

Happy Holidays from the Playtime with Percy team!

Here is the Little Sequence that would happen in Percy's Best Friend that was listed in the Update Logs, tried getting a longer ver but either I stalled and Died or went to fast and beat the night

PLAYTIME'S NOT OVER YET - an original fan song based on Playtime with Percy, made by @hysteridungeon , is going live TODAY!

This is something I got to do the artwork for, with the addition of bringing on a few friends to help with as well.


A major content update just released for @ITDEER 's "TOO MANY NIGHTS". In which, a few select characters from PTwP can appear as both selectable enemies, and even change the game to play exactly like Percy's!

Check it out here: