We also have 58 views.
Make that 67.
Make it 78.
Make it soon to be 100.
We also have 58 views.
Make that 67.
Make it 78.
Make it soon to be 100.
This track I am working on Better Now, is my favorite out of the three from the new album I have made!
My VERY FIRST ALBUM, Silence Doesn't Sleep releases on Tuesday whenever I feel like releasing it! I hope you can be there!
Emma model I made in blender... Would y'all play a 3D Emma's game?
I’m posting this without permission (don’t be mad, @WALLOP_ )
BTS of some posters for #TheLowerLevel
More Emma- Emma's 3D could be real...
Go listen to by debut album, Silence Doesn't Sleep, now available on scratch! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1141007619/
There are so many bangers on here, I suggest you give it a listen!
Go listen to my new song DISSIMULATION, its one of my weirder ones, so go check it out! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1143999322/
TLO: TEOD Q&A! (Ended)
BTS picture of the “motion detector” page in the journal!