5 months ago

Thanks for ten followers, sorry I don’t post much, I have been very busy with holiday stuff and mostly school stuff. 😺👍

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Hol up, I only got 99 right now

Someone’s gotta do it, also sorry for not being active, like at all, I’ve been very busy and game jolt is like the least of my priorities

Anyone who comments on this post gets a follow

Meet Anzō The Cockatiel

Over ONE night I got like 20 followers, how, just how?

Finished the stupid horse


I have no idea how to draw equines bro

only know cat and dog

HOW?!?!?!?! i don’t even know how I did this, but thanks

Well…WE DID IT! The 100th follower was @PoiisxnArtz93 !

Lada and Sorgo

My pretty girls