Shattered Realms: Mortal Tale
8 years ago

The Ancient Forest Update

The game is finally on 0.4.0, The Ancient Forest Update! I’ve gotten lots of things finished in this version, and even more planned in the future!


Currently Implemented:

  • Full Playable Episode 2 of the game

  • A multitude of new monsters and bosses

  • Several new dungeons

  • New secrets

  • Preevents for the chapter finale

  • Thief, Barbarian, and Paladin Tweaks

  • Island of Valor boss #1: Tsukoyomi

  • Secret Events in the Isle of Heart

  • Pito Village

  • Pito Caves Dungeon

  • Chapter Finale Boss

  • Chapter Finale Story

  • A fully fleshed out Ancient Hills: South

  • Sacred Valley finished

  • Implemention of Monster Diplomacy

  • Bandit Miniboss

  • Transit Route for Ancient Forest - Sacred Valley/Ancient Hills

Possible Additions:

  • Ancient Desert and Snowy Hills Teaser Areas

  • Junction area connecting them

  • Island of Valor Bosses and Conclusion?

  • Isle of Heart Story - Iskar

  • Add Interiors to Saliden Village and Make a safety buffer and teleport option.

  • More Artifacts?

  • More Unique Battle Animations / Fine Tuning

  • Replace stock music with original compositions

  • Investigate unique icons

You can find the update here on GameJolt at the game’s main page right now! Please let me know if any bugs or issues come up!



Next up

Game Stream Going live with some game artwork! See you there!

Bug Fix Version 0.2.1


Unclear where  the Chapter Select Scene actually wants you to go. Made it fairly obvious to avoid confusion. 

Saves should be easily updated with these files so long as you don't overwrite the save folder.

Chapter 2 Private Playtest Announcement

Latest concept art for the game, featuring Rivia, titled, 'Who I Once Was'!

General update and where progress is headed

Fiddling with some UI element ideas. Mostly waiting for more progress in terms of game assets, so giving myself things to do.

Upcoming Emergency Patch Details

Game Stream Today I am currently beginning work on the game on stream, hoping to get a few hours into the game today. Come join me!

New designs made today! After some hard work, I’ve gotten a few more designs for the story and game itself complete, have a look below! The polish update continues!

What do you think guys in my robot?Just a beginner in 3d modeling..

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