The Banner Poster Shrine of the Collage of all #16CTPs from Series/Season TWO!!!!!! Just literally all just all Parody Cameo Characters of 2024!!!!! I can't believe it guys!!!!! I'd never been so satisfied in my entire life!!!!! I'd created one of the best things that I'd ever created since November of 2023!!!!!!!! And I got to say, Series/Season Two of them CTPs are even more detailed then the ones from Series/Season One!!!!!
The Seven Character Teaser Posters from the #1stSeriesSeason were just plain and basic, but now here's the #2ndSeriesSeason!!!! Not only that these CTPs have like more details in them, but also have their own backgrounds based on the colors and personalities for each Parody Cameo Character!!!!!! This is just wild man!!!!! Anyways you guys, you guys a wonderful rest of your guy's positive moments here in/on March of 2024 and of course, stay tuned for future updates!!!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!!!
Oh, and PS, I hate to say this, but I'll be releasing this thing pretty early today's because.....Well????........Heck, why not!!!! It's the future.........I guess.........And you might see a few things that you might see in a few days!!!! Anyways, once again, have a nice future-like day and see you guys in the a few days on March of 2024!!!!! #TheFuturesEVERYTHING!!!!!!!! #FOURmoreDaysUntilMarchDaysHere!!!!!!!!!!