Alright team Scarlet OPs, huddle up huddle up.... So this is how we're gonna April fool the flying fu¢k out of the retro boss rush community... We're gonna add Happy Time Trio from Muppetale the Dead AU.... How? Secret Boss, somewhere in mid-late game.... Universal Desert, wave 90 preferably.
"They're just gonna figure out it's not sorbr though" come on dude what if I hide the main gui of scarlet ops and replace it with fake sorbr sh!t, they WILL fall for it, some of them are literally prepubescent kids of course it's gonna work....
"Why Happy Time Trio though??" Dawg I love the theme and I need an excuse, kid...... Plus it's gonna sync with the song and I need to learn how to make that in time for Turmoil Trio all the way at wave 135..