The new Elbei update is here! New Features include:
Better inventory management. You can now click on items to move them around in your hotbar.
A crafting system, very basic, you can only make doors as of now.
One small friend who has the most basic AI possible.
A slightly larger world.
Useless ore that will one day have a use.
A secret underground, not telling you what it is or where it is, through.
Trees are now able to be used as platforms.
You can now starve, and there’s no way to prevent it, you will die.
Other small changes I can’t remember.
That last feature is more of a bug I need to fix, it kinda renders the game impossible to play for more than 5 minutes without the player taking fatal damage, kinda dying intensely. Play it if you wish, but it’s kinda broken, and I need to fix it, so wait if you want, or don’t.